The WonderKey School
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the length of the school day?
The school day operates from 9 am until 3 pm.
2. Do you offer a before/after school program?
Yes. WonderKey opens at 7:30 am and remains open until 4:30 pm.
3. What ages comprise your classrooms?
We accept children from 2 years through Pre Kindergarten age.
4. How is your academic year divided?
We have a 10-month program that is divided into 2 school semesters. We also offer a 12-month program that consists of 2 school semesters and a summer camp program in conjunction with our Sesame/Rockwood Camps.
5. Do I need to pack a lunch?
Yes. However, morning and afternoon snacks are provided. Lunches will be refrigerated. Hot lunches need to be sent in a thermos.
6. Is there a time when my child has an opportunity to rest?
Yes. Each class offers quiet time when a child may rest or play independently.
7. What is your pick-up/drop-off policy?
Children must be signed in and out. When the child is picked-up an Authorization Pick-up card, which is provided by the school for each family, must be presented.
8. What is your policy regarding illness?
In the event your child becomes ill at school, we will notify you immediately.
9. Do you allow make-up days?
Make-up days are not permitted, however we are flexible if additional days are needed as long as space permits.
10. Do you offer field trips?
Yes. They are local and noted on our Activities Calendar. Permission slips are sent home prior to each trip.
11. What is your parent visitation policy?
We have an open door policy in which you may visit at any time.
12. What are the tuition payment procedures?
Tuition monies are due on a monthly basis.